A Network class object stores all the information for a simulation on a defined landscape.


An R6Class generator object


  • params: see parameterizeMGDrivE

  • driveCube: an inheritance cube

  • patchReleases: see basicRepeatedReleases for examples on how to set up release schedules

  • migrationMale: a stochastic matrix whose dimensions conform to the number of patches

  • migrationFemale: a stochastic matrix whose dimensions conform to the number of patches

  • migrationBatch: a list of batch migration parameters. SeebasicBatchMigration

  • directory: character string of output directory

  • verbose: Chatty? Default is TRUE



  • parameters: see parameterizeMGDrivE

  • patches: a list of Patch objects

  • nPatch: number of patches

  • simTime: maximum time of simulation

  • sampTime: how often to write output, tNow %% sampTime

  • driveCube: an inheritance cube

  • tNow: current time of simulation (time starts at 2 because time 1 is the initial equilibrium state)

  • runID: an identifier for the current simulation run, useful for Monte Carlo simulation

  • directory: a character string of where to store output

  • conADM: a connection to write male population dynamics out to

  • conADF: a connection to write female population dynamics out to

  • migrationMale: a stochastic matrix whose dimensions conform to the number of patches

  • migrationFemale: a stochastic matrix whose dimensions conform to the number of patches

  • migrationBatch: list of items for batch migration in stochastic sim.

  • mMoveMat: holder object for male migration

  • fMoveArray: holder object for female migration

  • patchReleases: a list of release schedules for each patch


# NOT RUN { # There are no simple examples for this, so looking at the vignettes would be # most useful. # Complete manual with examples, but none explored in depth. vignette("MGDrivE-Examples", package = "MGDrivE") # One example, explored in great detail. This is probably more helpful. vignette("MGDrivE-Run", package = "MGDrivE") # }