In MGDrivE, the model was typically solved at equilibrium assuming the density-independent mortality was constant over aquatic stages (eggs, larvae, pupae), given a daily growth rate, \(r_{M}\). Given that growth rate, it solved for that mortality \(\mu_{Aqua}\) by relating it with \(R_{M}\), the per-generation growth rate of the population, calculable from \(r_{M}\) and the mean duration of life stages. This function uses uniroot to solve for \(mu_{Aqua}\).

solve_muAqua(params, rm)



a named list of parameters


the daily growth rate


location of the root, as provided from uniroot


This function needs the following parameters in params:

  • muF: adult female mortality

  • beta: rate of egg laying

  • phi: sex ratio at emergence

  • qE: inverse of mean duration of egg stage

  • nE: shape parameter of Erlang-distributed egg stage

  • qL: inverse of mean duration of larval stage

  • nL: shape parameter of Erlang-distributed larval stage

  • qP: inverse of mean duration of pupal stage

  • nP: shape parameter of Erlang-distributed pupal stage


theta <- list(qE = 1/4, nE = 2, qL = 1/5, nL = 3, qP = 1/6, nP = 2, muF = 1/12, beta = 32, phi = 0.5); muAqatic <- solve_muAqua(params = theta, rm = 1.096)