Construct the infinitesimal generator matrix for (individual) adult female infection dynamics. Adult females follow SEI (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious) style dynamics with a Gamma distributed EIP, with a mean duration 1/q and variance 1/nq^2 (following shape-scale parameterization, EIP ~ Gamma(n,1/nq)). This function only constructs the rate matrix for either a single mosquito or cohort that all emerged at the same time (the rate matrix for a population with emergence is infinite in dimension).
make_Q_SEI(q, n, mu, c, a, x)
q | related to scale parameter of Gamma distributed EIP (1/q is mean length of EIP) |
n | shape parameter of Gamma distributed EIP |
mu | mosquito mortality rate |
c | human to mosquito transmission efficiency |
a | human biting rate |
x | prevalence of disease in humans |
rate matrix for a single (emergence) cohort of SEI mosquito