Given P, the cumulative probability of moving before dying, and mu, the daily mortality rate, calculate the movement rate gamma to get P. The equation comes from integrating the competing risks and solving for gamma.

calc_move_rate(mu, P)



daily mortality rate


cumulative probability to move before dying


numeric probability of movement


# parameters, see vignette MGDrivE2: One Node Lifecycle Dynamics theta <- list(qE = 1/4, nE = 2, qL = 1/3, nL = 3, qP = 1/6, nP = 2, muE = 0.05, muL = 0.15, muP = 0.05, muF = 0.09, muM = 0.09, beta = 16, nu = 1/(4/24) ) # lets say a 70% chance to move over the entire lifespan rMoveRate <- calc_move_rate(mu = theta$muF, P = 0.70)