This function creates a RIDL system. RIDL (Release of Insects with Dominant Lethality), is a form of SIT. Created by Oxitec, this is based on a positive feedback loop using the toxic tTAV gene, controlled under lab conditions by the TetO promoter. This has 2 alleles at 1 locus
W: Wild-type allele
R: OX513 RIDL allele
cubeRIDL( eta = NULL, phi = NULL, omega = NULL, xiF = NULL, xiM = NULL, s = NULL )
eta | Genotype-specific mating fitness |
phi | Genotype-specific sex ratio at emergence |
omega | Genotype-specific multiplicative modifier of adult mortality |
xiF | Genotype-specific female pupatory success |
xiM | Genotype-specific male pupatory success |
s | Genotype-specific fractional reduction(increase) in fertility |
Named list containing the inheritance cube, transition matrix, genotypes, wild-type allele, and all genotype-specific parameters.